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34 |
Silicon-on-insulator microring resonator sensor integrated on an optical fiber facet,
C. Lerma Arce, K. De Vos, T. Claes, K. Komorowska, D. Van Thourhout, P. Bienstman,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(13), p.890-892 doi:10.1109/lpt.2011.2143704 (2011) | |
27 |
Silicon Photonic Sensors incorporated in a Digital Microfluidic System,
C. Lerma Arce, D. Witters, R. Puers, J. Lammertyn, P. Bienstman,
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404(10), p.2887-2894 doi:10.1007/s00216-012-6319-6 (2012) | |
27 |
MORPHIC: Programmable Photonic Circuits enabled by Silicon Photonic MEMS,
W. Bogaerts, H. Sattari, P. Edinger, A. Takabayashi, I. Zand, X. Wang, A. Ribeiro, M. Jezzini, C. Errando-Herranz, G. Talli, C. Lerma Arce, S. Kumar, M. Garcia, P. Verheyen, B. Abasahl, F. Niklaus, N. Quack, K. Gylfason, P. O'Brien, U. Khan,
SPIE Photonics West - OPTO (invited), 11285, United States, p.1128503 doi:10.1117/12.2540934 (2020) | |
9 |
Non-volatile Liquid Controlled Adiabatic Silicon Photonics Switch,
H. D'heer, C. Lerma Arce, S. Vandewiele, J. Watté, K. Huybrechts, R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout,
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(14), p.2948-2954 doi:10.1109/JLT.2017.2705284 (2017) | |
7 |
A 16 x 16 Non-Volatile Silicon Photonic Switch Circuit,
H. D'heer, S. Kumar, C. Lerma Arce, M. Detaille, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Watte, D. Van Thourhout,
IEEE Photonics Technologies Letters, 30(13), United States, p.1258 - 1261 doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2842644 (2018) | |
7 |
Femtosecond Laser-inscribed Non-volatile Integrated Optical Switch in Fused Silica based on Microfluidics-controlled Total Internal Reflection,
A. Radosavljevic, A. Desmet, J. Missine, S. Kumar, V. Panaoakkam, S. Tuccio, C. Lerma Arce, J. Watte, D. Van Thourhout, G. Van Steenberge,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 38(15), p.3965-3973 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.2983109 (2020) | |
7 |
Reaction tubes: A new platform for silicon nanophotonic ring resonator sensors,
C. Lerma Arce, S. Van Put, A. Goes, E. Hallynck, P. Dubruel, K. Komorowska, P. Bienstman,
Journal of Applied Physics, 115, p.044702 doi:10.1063/1.4863782 (2014) | |
Most cited publications of Cristina Lerma Arce (since 2020)
27 |
MORPHIC: Programmable Photonic Circuits enabled by Silicon Photonic MEMS,
W. Bogaerts, H. Sattari, P. Edinger, A. Takabayashi, I. Zand, X. Wang, A. Ribeiro, M. Jezzini, C. Errando-Herranz, G. Talli, C. Lerma Arce, S. Kumar, M. Garcia, P. Verheyen, B. Abasahl, F. Niklaus, N. Quack, K. Gylfason, P. O'Brien, U. Khan,
SPIE Photonics West - OPTO (invited), 11285, United States, p.1128503 doi:10.1117/12.2540934 (2020) | |
7 |
Femtosecond Laser-inscribed Non-volatile Integrated Optical Switch in Fused Silica based on Microfluidics-controlled Total Internal Reflection,
A. Radosavljevic, A. Desmet, J. Missine, S. Kumar, V. Panaoakkam, S. Tuccio, C. Lerma Arce, J. Watte, D. Van Thourhout, G. Van Steenberge,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 38(15), p.3965-3973 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.2983109 (2020) | |
2 |
Large scale programmable photonic circuits using silicon photonic MEMS,
U. Khan, I. Zand, P. Edinger, G. Jo, S. Bleiker, A. Y. Takabayashi, C. Antony, J. Lee, A. Kumar, P. Verheyen, C. Lerma Arce, T. Jonuzi, J. Watte, N. Quack, F. Niklaus, K. Gylfason, W. Bogaerts,
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (invited), United States, p.AM2C.5 doi:10.1364/CLEO_AT.2022.AM2C.5 (2022) | |
2 |
Programmable Photonic Circuits using Silicon Photonic MEMS,
W. Bogaerts, A.Y. Takabayashi, P. Edinger, I. Zand, G. Jo, H. Sattari, P. Verheyen, M.A. Jezzini, C. Antony, G. Talli, M. Saei, S. Kumar, C. Lerma Arce, M. Garcia Porcel, N. Quack, K.B. Gylfason, F. Niklaus, U. Khan,
Advanced Photonics Congress (invited), p.IM2A.1 doi:10.1364/IPRSN.2021.IM2A.1 (2021) | |
1 |
MORPHIC: MEMS enhanced silicon photonics for programmable circuits,
U. Khan, I. Zand, P. Edinger, G. Jo, S. Bleiker, A. Y. Takabayashi, C. Antony, M. Jezzini, G. Talli, H. Sattari, J. Lee, A. Kumar, P. Verheyen, S. Kumar, C. Lerma Arce, M. Garcia, T. Jonuzi, J. Watte, N. Quack, F. Niklaus, K. Gylfason, W. Bogaerts,
SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Proc. SPIE (invited), 121480, France, p.121480H doi:10.1117/12.2631231 (2022) | |
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Invited Publications