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Authors: E.M.P. Ryckeboer, A. Lee, S. Werquin, J. Vierendeels, P. Bienstman, R. Baets
Title: Investigation of glucose diffusion using an optofluidic silicon chips
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 11/2012
Journal/Conference/Book: Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Belenux Chapter
Volume(Issue): p.179-182
Location: Mons, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
Download: Download this Publication (481KB) (481KB)


We present a new method to study the diffusion of glucose with an opto-fluidic chip. A silicon-on-insulator chip comprising a series of micro-ring resonators is combined with micro-fluidics in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). The ring resonators exhibit a shift in resonance wavelength depending on the applied glucose concentration. Based on this effect,the micro-rings are employed as glucose sensors to monitor how the glucose concentration
in the micro fluidic channels changes due to diffusion. The obtained concentration profiles are compared with diffusion simulations. The good agreement indicates that the opto-fluidic chip is a valuable platform to study glucose diffusion in a variety of settings.

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