Authors: | J. Petracek, B. Maes, S. Burger, J. Luksch, P. Kwiecien, I. Richter | Title: | Simulation of High-Q Nanocavities with 1D Photonic Gap | Format: | International Conference Proceedings | Publication date: | 7/2012 | Journal/Conference/Book: | ICTON 2012 (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks)
| Editor/Publisher: | National Institute of Telecommunications, | Volume(Issue): | p.Tu.C6.4 | Location: | Coventry, United Kingdom | DOI: | 10.1109/icton.2012.6253762 | Citations: | 4 ( - last update: 9/3/2025) 2 (OpenCitations - last update: 10/5/2025) Look up on Google Scholar
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We report on theoretical investigation of a hybrid cavity structure which has been conducted within the
European Action COST MP0702. The structure, which can reach ultrahigh Q factors, consists of a sizemodulated
1D stack cavity made in a III-V material and coupled to a silicon waveguide. We present results of structure behavior simulations obtained by four independent rigorous numerical techniques. We discuss
qualitative physical properties of the simulations results and identify the main physical effects contributing to the
total Q factor. Related Projects