Horizon Europe: PATTERNFull Name: Next generation ultra-high-speed microwave Photonic integrATed circuiTs using advancE hybRid iNtegration Duration: 30/9/2022-1/10/2026 Partners: - imec
- Fraunhofer
- Luceda
- University of Cyprus
- Phix
- Lup
Objective: - Photonic integrated circuits use light instead of electrons to transport signals. The EU funded PATTERN project will create the world’s first process design kit for microwave photonics at ultra-high frequencies above 100 GHz. It will also introduce new functionalities into these circuits, such as magneto-optics isolators and acousto optics modulators. To do this, researchers will integrate several different platforms, such as indium phosphide and lithium niobate, but also include new materials, such as yttrium iron garnet. The project will also develop the co integration of electronic SiGe chips with photonic integrated circuits. PATTERN will pave the way for a new generation of advanced products in a range of applications, including 5G/6G, quantum technologies, LiDAR and sensing.
People involved